


Snafkins BL Studioは、非会員制スタジオです。入会手続きはありません。県外からお越しのツアーバンド、利用頻度が年に数回の方、どなたでもお気軽にご利用いただけます。スタジオの予約方法は、Snafkins BL Studio公式LINEからウェブ予約ができます。

Snafkins BL Studio is a non-membership studio. There is no admission procedure. Touring bands from out of state, those who use the studio only a few times a year, and anyone else is welcome to use the studio. Reservations for the studio can be made via the official Snafkins BL Studio line on the web.



If you inform us of the number of microphones and rental instruments at the time of reservation, we will set them up in advance. We also have a guitar and bass repairman on staff, so we can consult with you about repairs, maintenance, and customization.


Representative Greeting

Snafkins BL Studioは「All for music (全ては音楽のため)」を経営理念としております。情熱に溢れた音楽を奏でていただけるように、音楽を愛する皆さまに喜ばれるサービスと、創造力を刺激する居心地の良いスタジオ空間作りを目指し、微力ながら地域の文化発展に貢献できるよう尽力する所存です。今後とも、末永いお付き合いの程よろしくお願い申し上げます。

Snafkins BL Studio代表 柘植 紀人(つげ のりひと)

Snafkins BL Studio's management philosophy is "All for music". We are committed to contributing to the cultural development of the local community by providing services that delight music lovers and creating a comfortable studio space that stimulates creativity, so that music can be played with passion and enthusiasm. We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with you.

Representative, Norihito Tsuge



Our Staff

初めまして!Snafkins BL Studio内にお店を構えるリペア工房 Guitar Lab Reo代表の金森玲央(かなもり れお)と申します!ギターをはじめとした弦楽器の修理、カスタマイズを主に行っております。楽器を愛する皆様のお力添えができたらとても幸せでございます。事前予約制にて受付しておりますが、スタジオ内に工房があるため「音が出なくなった」等の急なトラブル等にも対応可能です。皆様のご利用をお待ちしております。

My name is Reo Kanamori, representative of Guitar Lab Reo, a repair shop located in Snafkins BL Studio! I mainly repair and customize guitars and other stringed instruments. I would be very happy if I could be of help to everyone who loves musical instruments. We accept reservations in advance, but since we have a workshop inside the studio, we can also help with sudden problems such as "no sound coming out". We look forward to serving you.


Studio Details

Snafkins BL Studioは、バンド練習、個人練習、プライベートレッスンなど
